
Wednesday, November 16, 2022

SLS Blasts Off!!!!


Committed to Human Exploration of Mars by the 2030s

That Launch was Totally Awesome!

Today’s awe-inspiring launch of Artemis I marks a historic first step in humanity’s return to the Moon after a fifty-year hiatus. Explore Mars, Inc. enthusiastically congratulates NASA as well as its industry and international partners for this extraordinarily successful achievement.

“After decades of waiting, a human-rated vehicle ascended from the launch pad in Florida on its way to orbit the Moon,” said Explore Mars CEO, Chris Carberry. “We passionately look forward to the successful completion of its mission and to astronauts returning to the surface of the Moon in 2025 and then proceeding on to Mars by the middle of the next decade.”

Over the next twenty-six days, the Orion spacecraft will travel farther from Earth than any human-rated vehicle in history. This mission sets the stage for Artemis II, which will carry a crew to lunar orbit in the next couple of years. Artemis III will then land the first woman and first person of color on the surface of the Moon. Each Artemis mission will provide us with more information about living and working in deep space – information that is critical to taking the next steps to Mars.

According to Explore Mars President, Janet Ivey, “Houston, we have not only launched the most powerful rocket in history, we have ushered in a new era of spaceflight. Space dreams were made real today, as Artemis heads to the Moon  and inspires a new generation to dream big and look beyond to Mars, causing a galactic ripple effect of hope and excitement for human spaceflight. ”

No Mission Succeeds Without Support!
Donate Critical Support to the Explore Mars Mission

For more than a decade, Explore Mars, Inc. has been a leader in efforts to establish a human presence on Mars no later than the mid-2030s. We engage and unite an inspiring community to advance an inclusive and sustainable future for humanity in space. Through partnerships with the aerospace industry, innovators, policymakers, the entertainment industry, as well as NASA and other space agencies, we generate new ideas, offer unique educational STEM/STEAM opportunities, and create excitement for taking the next steps in humanity's exploration of our solar system. Life on Earth will be immeasurably empowered and improved by the historic and transformative innovations needed to attain this goal. 


Every great endeavor requires funding to succeed, and Explore Mars cannot be successful without your generous support. Our end-of-year fundraising goal is $100,000, with $20,000 already raised. Join us as we strive to create a diverse and  inclusive future driven by science, exploration, and creativity!

Join us for the web event 
NAMI MELUMAD: Star Trek's First Female Composer,
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds &  Star Trek: Prodigy

an ExploreMars.Org Web Event

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